There are few professional situations more stressful than a job interview. Indeed, even business leaders who are conducting the interview may feel a degree of nerves before the big meeting. And of course, going through a job interview yourself is almost certain to cause some anxiety. It’s important to remember though, that being nervous isn’t the end of the world. What’s more, there are a few sure-fire ways to nail a job interview and impress your next boss. Here are our five top tips for acing a job interview:
Do Your Homework . . .
In order to reach the interview stage of the job application process, it’s likely that you’ve already studied the business, researched the position, and gained an appreciation for a company’s culture. However, that doesn’t mean you should go into an interview without any talking points. Highlight traits that you think are beneficial and make sure to bring them up in the interview.
. . . But Don’t Go Overboard
There’s a big difference between compiling a few talking points and memorizing a script. Don’t try and formulate answers to every possible interview question you may face because doing so is counterproductive. Rather than trying to cram in a dozen different responses at once, jot down one or two that really matter and stick to them. It’s okay to repeat yourself a little as well.
Sweat the Small Stuff
It should go without saying, but getting the little things right can make a big impact on potential employers. Showing up on time, wearing formal attire, making eye contact, and speaking clearly may seem like obvious boxes to tick, but doing all of those things can actually help you find your spot in a crowded marketplace.
Show and Tell
Often, business leaders will ask prospective employees if they feel they’re capable of handling a given task. While it’s fine to say that you possess abilities like collaboration skills or high levels of organization, it’s even better to show that you do. Mention times that you worked well with others at previous jobs to demonstrate that you really are a team player, for instance.
Much easier said than done, but keeping cool during a job interview is, perhaps, the surest way to guarantee a positive experience. Take deep breaths, get plenty of rest beforehand, and try to keep things in perspective. Staying calm under pressure is extremely difficult, but doing so will let your future bosses know that you’re composed and up to any challenge. At the end of the day, a job interview isn’t a matter of life and death, and –– even if the worst happens –– there’s always another opportunity around the corner!