Posts Written ByTim Canter

5 Bad Health Habits that Can Affect Fertility

Ready to start a family? Well, just because you and your partner have decided, it doesn’t mean your bodies are ready. In fact, lots of people struggle with intermittent, if not indefinite, infertility. A little over 10% of couples may have difficulty getting pregnant once they start trying. The bad news is that there are a number of lifestyle choices that not only make it more difficult to conceive, but can also have a negative effect on a pregnancy if it should develop. Thankfully, you can work to cut out these five bad habits and boost your fertility. Check out…

How to Make Money with your Motorhome

It’s been shown that most motorhome owners use their vehicles less than 12 weeks per year, rendering it abandoned in the driveway for the rest of the year. There it merely gathers dust, and costs more than you’d like! But what if this didn’t have to be the case? What if there was another use for your campervan when you can’t take it out? Find out about sharing your motorhome, and renting it out as a private owner. For this article we’ll be primarily considering renting out on sharing platforms, as opposed to larger rental companies. Why should you rent…

4 Huge Threats to Modern Businesses

The business world is a hostile one. Indeed, creating a successful company that enjoys sustained growth over a long period of time is one of the most difficult tasks any entrepreneur could hope to complete. The good news is, it is possible to found and build a thriving company in 2020. But first, it’s important to recognize a few potential roadblocks in your way. To that end, here are the four biggest threats to modern businesses. Check them out now so you know how to deal with them later! Poor Retention Consumers, professionals, and companies are constantly changing. Given that…

Tips on In-Store Marketing For Your Business

Marketing doesn’t start and end with a commercial or a creative piece of content online, and getting people through the door is only half of the battle. Once the customer is inside your store you have a great opportunity to market to them face to face, and this opportunity should never be lost. There is so much that you can do to encourage the customer to buy more, to be impressed and to come back once again in the future. So many businesses get their in-store marketing wrong and that is why we wanted to offer some tips on how…

4 Ways Sales Pros Can Boost their Performance

Sales is one of the most competitive fields in modern business. That’s because sales is often a zero-sum game; failing to close a deal with a consumer means that one of your competitors is likely to gain their business as a result. Given that fact, it’s no wonder that sales professionals thrive on competition and are always looking for ways to improve their performance. So, on that note, today we’ll share four effective ways that sales professionals can give themselves an advantage. Check them out here: Coordinate With Marketing Some companies separate their sales and marketing divisions. While this isn’t…

The evolution of the casino

These days, you don’t even have to leave the comfort of your sofa to spin slot machines, bust blackjack dealers or chance roulette wheels. The rise of the online casino means it’s possible to play casino games anywhere, anytime. All you need is a smartphone and decent internet connection. However, casino gaming hasn’t always been like this. Back in the 17th century, casinos were places only very wealthy gamblers could afford to play. Early casinos like the Ridotto in Venice, Italy, provided nothing like the number of gaming tables and machines available in today’s online and land-based casinos. Gamblers had…

Reasons to Look For Big Wins on Long Term Bets 

Whilst we may not be professional gamblers we do enjoy betting on a wide range of sports and when we do we always look at taking both short term and long term options. Short term betting is what the majority of people do of course, betting on the next game or even betting in-play, but there is a lot of value to be had from long term gambling. When we talk about placing bets on long term markets we are referring to bets such as who will win the Premier League, or the Super League trophy, or perhaps even betting…

Why Have Hair Transplants Become So Popular?

Hair transplants have become highly popular with people of all ages as a way of combating hair loss both due to hereditary reasons and chemical imbalances. But why have they become so popular? In this article, we will be providing you insight into why they have become so popular as well as the effect that has had on the industry. Celebrity Endorsements Though there have never been any advertisements created for a hair transplant procedure, it has a wide amount of publicity due to celebrities such as Wayne Rooney undergoing a procedure in a hair transplant clinic in the UK…

How to Accurately Measure Business Success

In a few months, business owners across the globe will conduct annual reviews and close out the fiscal year 2019. For many, the end of the year is a time to take stock of company performance, identify strengths and weaknesses, and set goals for the future. One might assume that determining how successful a business has been is a relatively straightforward task. In reality, though, many factors can influence a business’s viability, and measuring its overall progress can be quite difficult. To that end, today we’re going to focus on how entrepreneurs can create accurate year-end reports that reflect the…

Earn 100 Euro Online – Easy Options

Making permanent money on the Internet is possible and there are countless ways and instructions on how to work with extensive blogs, own products or large affiliate websites. But many are just looking for a way to earn a quick 100 euros. That is also possible.Sometimes you just need a little money or you do not plan to build something on the internet in the long run, but only to generate short term revenue.Whatever the reasons, there are many ways to earn some money online. Of course, not as many as in the US, but in Germany there are now…