In these tough times, a lot of people may need money but won’t know where to get it. While it is completely possible to get the money you in need in a loan or advance, it is important to be careful and try your best to hold off until you absolutely have to take out money from a lender.
It is completely possible to apply for an interest-free loan that comes from a social fund, which can be a lot cheaper than paying high interest fees. According to the site MoneyPug, which is used to find payday loans, when you are borrowing from payday or other short-term lenders, you should how to how to apply for them, which ones to apply for, and what your term limits will be.
Obtaining a Budgeting Loan
One of the types of financing is a budgeting loan. The money can be used for a wide range of things including furniture, household equipment, clothing, rent, and travel. It can also be used to improve and maintain the home. Furthermore, you can get the assistance you need for maternity expenses. You may be able to claim a £500 maternity grant instead, which you won’t have to pay back.
There are a few different ways to get a budgeting loan through one of the following benefits. These are pension credit, income support, income-based allowance, income-related employment, and support allowance. If you’ve waited for at least 26 weeks with a break of no more than 28 days you’ll be able to ask for more money.
If you’re just an individual, it’s £384. Or if you are a part of a couple it’s £464 and £812 if you have children. The minimum is £100, but there is a maximum based on your household circumstances. The things that affect the amount of the loan you can ask for, existing social fund loans and savings over £1,000 or £2,000 if you’re over 63 years old.
Paying Back a Budgeting Loan
It is possible to get a loan that’s interest-free, which will be worked out at the time your loan is agreed upon. It depends on the amount you borrow, but paying back the loan is more difficult if you don’t do it right away. Normally a loan has to be paid within two years. When you stop getting benefits, you’ll need to agree on another way to pay it back. It’s also an option to ask the office to work on another plan if you can’t afford the payments.
Budgeting Advance
A budgeting advance is when you are waiting for your benefit and need money. You can apply for a short term advance or get some money from the Universal Credit Advance. While it can take up to five weeks to get your first payment because the fund is monthly, when you are left without money it is a way to get it sooner. It is possible to request a full month’s payment so you will have to repay it from your future payments for up to a year.
You can claim up to a full month’s payment to get through the time without money but you will have to pay this back. This is why you should only claim as much as you need to get thorough until you get the first full payment.
If you need money and your loan isn’t fast enough it is possible to get an advance. Like all loans you should remember to pay it back immediately so you don’t owe the borrowers a lot of interest. The sooner you pay it back, the better off you will be.